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PG Care Foundation

Terms of Reference

Organization name : PG care foundation charitable trust

Date of establishment : August 2013

Organization ID : 110/2013-14 IV

IT registration no. : CIT(E)BLR/12A/MNG-605/AACTP4366L/ITO(E)-1/2015-2016

Type of organization : Systematic crowd funding foundation

Registered Address : Door no. 3-31-2654/2,

Pranam, Pintos lane,


Mangalore – 575003

Back ground

Since August 2013, PG care foundation is serving kids and elderly during medical emergency by providing financial aid to treat the disease. PG care foundation is a systematic crowdfunding organization. The decision about whether to support a patient or not, is taken by our panel of doctors. We do thorough investigation before sanctioning any funds by checking the authenticity of the patient and scrutinizing their financial back ground with the help of our coordinator and other committed members. Our foundation currently has 250 members across the globe.

The foundation is registered as a non-profit trust and funds donated can be filed under form 80G for tax exemptions under the Indian tax law.

Till now our organization has generated around 1crore 20lakh rupees and supported 130 patients (paediatric and geriatric) in their medical emergency.

The various conditions that are supported by the foundation include prematurity, babies in  ICU, snakebite, aplastic anaemia, trauma, various prosthesis, hearing aids and cochlear implants, limb lengthening procedures, fracture  treatment, cancer chemotherapy, heart conditions and any conditions where prognosis  or curable rate is more than 70%.

Limited number of diabetes mellitus (type I, juvenile diabetes or IDDM )cases are supported .

At the time of Covid crisis various kinds-of supports including medicine, food, shelter are being arranged  by  PG Care Foundation.


The foundation depends mainly on the generous donations/ contributions of the members and the general public. All the donations are audited every year.

  1. The pattern of donations that we receive now include
  2. monthly donations
  3. donations during the birthdays of their children
  4. donation once in a year
  5. during fundraising events
  6. random donations

PG CARE FOUNDATION  relies mainly on the corpus  funds for the donation so that it is easier to decide when the cases are forwarded to us.


Any like minded individual who agrees to the general terms and conditions of the organization and who is willing to either support financially, technically, and fund raising activities.


  • Our organization constantly strives to generate more funds so that we can serve more number of people(paediatric and geriatric) during their medical emergency primarily.
  • Lending interest free loans in case of health emergency of their kids who have capacity to repay
  • Supporting juvenile diabetic cases by providing them complete medical treatment
  • We are also serving financial aid for education, food, and shelter simultaneously. We aim to generate more funds for this also and also to do our bit for our nation during national crisis like pandemics, and natural calamities.

Scope of work

Generating more funds to help many more people in need by:

  • Creating awareness about our organization using both inbound and outbound marketing platforms
  • Fund raising campaigns across online platforms and other platforms
  • Recruiting more volunteers and members

Annual meetings

Meetings will be held at least once a year with core committee members and other interested stake holders.